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"Another space' is the festival of the year

The fifth international festival of contemporary music "Another space", which took place in November 2016 at the halls of the Moscow Philharmonics, was named "the festival of the year" (rating "Events and personas. Results of 2016") by the newspaper "Music observer". This music forum, which is known not only in Moscow and is aimed on giving listeners a possibility to familiarize themselves with music works that were created in XX and XXI centuries, have been taking place at Moscow Philharmonics since 2009. Conductor Vladimir Jurowski has been its artistic directory since 2014. In 2016, for the third time in the history of the festival, State Academic Symphony Orchestra "Evgeny Svetlanov" performed in some of the concerts. The orchestra took part in the first performance of "Gruppen" for three orchestras by K. Stockhausen in Russia, opera "El Nino" by J. Adams and offered the listeners other world and Russian premiers.